Every choice counts - Together, we make a difference!

Our Rooftop Farm!

From a seedling in our farm to our clients' plates, explore how our focus on fresh and local produce transforms each dish. Join us on this journey as we continue to innovate and elevate the world of luxury catering, with sustainability and creativity at the forefront!

Introducing Feste Group Stories: a series that highlights the people, passion, and purpose at the core of Feste Group.
In our debut episode, join CEO Abby Cadman as she walks us through our rooftop farm and shares her personal journey and vision!

Regenerative Farming

We worked with our good friend Chunling from Farmhouse Productions to put our farm together with the principles and values we want to embrace as a company. She uses a method called Regenerative Farming, which quite simply, works with nature rather than against it. With this method, the basic rules are:

  • Keep the soil intact and don’t turn it over or plow it, which conserves all the important ecosystems, worms and microorganisms that help our plants grow

  • ⁠Companion planting, or planting multiple types of plants in one planter which complement each other. This helps eliminate the need for pesticides and provides nutrients in the soil that help each other out. For example, snails love tomatoes but don’t like the smell of onions, so we plant them next to each other and keep the tomatoes happy!

  • ⁠Protect the soil by keeping it covered, which means it wont be exposed to harsh sun or heavy rain that can damage all the important work going on under there. UV light is an antiseptic so it will kill all the healthy bacteria that is feeding our lovely plants.

  • Try to replicate what happens in nature. You will see multiple plants growing together and helping each other out. Some taller plants provide shade for the smaller plants, some protect the others from insects and some feed the soil nutrients that the others need.

Renewable Energy

We like to do things differently at Feste Group, we practice what we preach. We love innovating and adapting so our events continue to reflect the ever changing zeitgeist of the time. We experiment with different ways to present our offerings, think outside the box with how to curate a unique event and get inspired by seasonal ingredients to create new menu items.

One of the ways we get inspired is by seeing what is in season on our regenerative urban rooftop farm. Our chefs take a moment to pick fresh produce and develop recipes that bring together a seasonal menu. Our farm is small, so will never replace our list of trusted suppliers, but it adds a special element to our creativity and puts us in the mindset of thinking about seasonality, putting flavour first and respecting each ingredient.

We recently expanded our kitchen and in doing so, updated our appliances and equipment to new energy efficient products. Coincidently, we also moved our Headquarters to the next door unit, which our landlord lovingly installed solar panels for. This makes us the only hospitality group in Hong Kong with a HQ powered by solar and an urban farm! Sometimes things just fall into place, and we love that by pursuing what we love, it results in better dishes, better events and we do our bit for the environment.



We’ve eliminated single-use plastics from our operations, using only biodegradable or recyclable materials. This helps us reduce waste and protect the environment without compromising on our quality of services.

Canvas Bags

Our stylish, reusable canvas bags are used for food deliveries and event packaging, offering an eco-friendly alternative that’s practical, aesthetically pleasing and sustainable.


Sustainable Packing

We’re proud to serve delicious catering using boxes crafted from recycled materials, ensuring that our packaging is eco-friendly, stylish and aligned with our commitment to sustainability.

Farm-to-Table Canapés

Our rooftop farm provides fresh, organic ingredients for our canapés, adding a sustainable and locally sourced touch to every dish we create.